Thursday, 5 June 2014

Thoughts of Lovely Complex

Lovely Complex is a story where a girl and a boy with height differences that are so huge fall in love. (The girl is taller than the guy). In the first episode, they both had crushes on another person and agreed to help each other out to win the hearts of their crush. Things didn't go as planned and they ended up not getting their crush. They both then made a challenge to see who can find their one true love first or get into a relationship first. The story continues as they both spend more time together and eventually start to like each other. I only just started watching this anime today and I am currently at the 4th episode. But that seems to be the plot of the story.

In the beginning of the anime, I didn't like the idea where the girl was taller than the guy and that they both start to like each other. I mean, isn't it awkward that the girl is taller? (=,=) But, the more I watch, the more I like seem to like this anime.  (^.^) The girl-Koizumi, and the guy-Otani, have the same personality and interest. Although they both argue a lot and call each other names, they always end up saying or doing something in common. Their friends seem to realise this and have encouraged them to date. But of course, they never even given it some thought.

I decided to check this anime out as it seems to be a popular romance/humorous anime. I will keep watching this anime and see where this leads to. I am very curious on how this would turn out. I will post more about Lovely Complex when I finish this anime series.

Enjoy Lovely Complex~

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